Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday.... I will address this picture in a moment, but before that let me say that this was a unique weekend. Friday and Saturday night I did absolutely nothing... I mean stay in your pj's and do absolutely nothing. It made me feel pretty worthless if you must know the truth about it. Then I had myself a little poor pityful me pity party but I got over it. Today I went to Cassi's birthday party. She is 7 this year. WOW, where does the time go? It was a skate party and she had some friends there and they were all cute. Luke spent the weekend in Dallas with his dad. He got home in time to get the yard mowed with a little help from his Mi-mi.... Anyway, he is really mad at me right now. I am sure that when I was a teenager I was a little like him, but I think sometimes I want to pull my hair out. I really try to do what is best for him, but these days that just means that I am "stupid" and I really know nothing at all. Oh, I think I am "payin for my raising" as they say... HOWEVER, I am stubborn and he is stubborn and I am just really tired of the battles... if anyone with teenagers knows how long this phase lasts you can let me know... Anywho....

As far as the above picture goes, this is the last picture I have of Bryan and I before he left. He came home on leave late in August and we spent a night in Eureka at the Crescent Hotel. Let me tell you the place is definitely beautiful but it is also very definitely HAUNTED... and yes things do go "bump" in the night and I didn't like it a bit... I mean I was scared to death the entire night... I can give you a colorful version of the story any time you would like but just let me tell you if you are scared of ghosts, do not stay at the hotel... other than the visitor that we had, the experience was great...the bell hop still walks you to your room, the view was awesome and the food was great!

Oh well, I must get little Gager to sleep.... He is definitely ready for bed.


1 comment:

Valarie Cobb said...

I have a pity party every once in a while too. Guess it lets us vent or whatever.
I can't believe you stayed there. chicken! I have been many times to see the sights but wouldn't stay!

a night at the ballgame

a night at the ballgame