Sunday, April 12, 2009


Welll, we went to Stacey's for Easter dinner.... it was a rainy, yucky day in NWA. We tried to take pics before we left... I will post one of Gage while Luke was showering... Then one of the two of them, then the melt down that ended it all... Oh well, my boys...

Luke only has two games this week.. then it is district. we are not having the best season, so let's just hope we make it to the regional tournament...

I have an interview on the 20th for a job in prairie grove. I am pretty much just trying to get some options for next year. I hear good things about prairie grove. It is small like dardanelle... I figure there is a plan for me out there somewhere and I will end up where I am supposed to be.

Luke went to the Razorback game with a buddy the other night.. then mom came to watch gage yesterday and she went with the rest of the family... gage and I took a nap while that was going on...

I have no gossip... Oh, I will say that Bryan lost a friend this weekend. He has had a rough time with it. He sounded really better this morning, but I know that he wishes he could come home... we are in the 70+ day category and believe me, the countdown has begun...

Say a little prayer for B's friend Jason's family and for my job situation...(oh and for Judge Jimmy Hudson from Texarkana, a great man, who is really sick right now!)

Love and Peace


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a night at the ballgame

a night at the ballgame